What is ADHD Skills Coaching?

ADHD skills coaching is a specialized form of coaching tailored to individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It focuses on helping individuals develop strategies and skills to manage their symptoms effectively and navigate daily life challenges in both school and home settings.

At Del Ray Psych & Wellness, our skill-based coaching has been designed to fit the needs of parents, adolescents and young adults. The coaching sessions and workshops are led by experienced therapist, Meghan Burns. Meghan has worked with children and adolescents since 2017 in both school and therapy settings. As a therapist at Del Ray Psych & Wellness, Meghan specializes in working with adolescents, teens and young adults, helping them through a variety of issues including anxiety, depression, ADHD and more. 

Smart Strategies: A Skills-Based Learning Group

This skills-based learning group is for 5th - 8th graders with ADHD or executive functioning disorders and those who could benefit from further developing skills and strategies. The skills taught in these group coaching sessions are crucial for kids who have ADHD and those who may have difficulties concentrating in class, procrastinating homework, or staying organized with the demands of middle school. Therapist Meghan Burns will facilitate a space where adolescents can:

  • learn how ADHD works in the brain

  • practice increasing their focus and attention

  • develop time-management skills

  • organization strategies

  • navigate impulses

  • build adaptive skills for the academic year

  • connect with peers with similar challenges

Upcoming/Current Session Dates: (minimum 3 participants)

Weekly Sessions on Wednesdays through 3/27/2024; 4:30pm - 5:30pm; Click the register link below to sign up and pay for each session (must be registered at a minimum 24 hours prior, unless arranged with the provider.)

Can’t come this time? Sign up for an alert for new session dates!


$100 per person/session

Questions about the adolescent skills group? Email Meghan Burns at meghanburns@delraypsych.com

ADHD Parent Coaching (Virtual)

ADHD parent coaching is an opportunity to empower and support parents in navigating the unique challenges of raising children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (this can be exchangeable with neurodivergence and difficulties with executive functioning). ADHD parent coaching delves into a more personalized and empathetic understanding of ADHD within family dynamics. Through a combination of evidence-based strategies, positive parenting techniques during individualized coaching sessions, parents gain valuable insights into their child's behaviors and learn practical tools to support their child in the home environment. The coaching process aids in developing achievable goals, addresses parenting styles, and provides support to enhance both the child's and the parent's well-being. Nurturing a parent's self-care is also prioritized and essential when supporting a child with ADHD. ADHD parent coaching provides parents with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to create a supportive and thriving environment for their child with ADHD.


  • Free - 15 Minute intake call

  • $125 per hour-long VIRTUAL session (Min 3 sessions / Max 5 sessions)

If you have questions or would like to set up a coaching session, Email Meghan Burns at meghanburns@delraypsych.com



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